"Attack on Titan," a new 2016 title for BrownTrout, is not your ordinary manga series of comics. This cult favorite in Japan has found its way to North America, while becoming a favorite for many die-hard comic fans. The manga series (Japanese comics in anime) was originally created by Hajime Isayama. The setting for the comics is an alternate universe and post-apocalyptic world, dominated by human-eating monsters called Titans. The comics continue to be successful, considering there are 50 million copies in print of the manga series today. Moreover, the manga series has been developed into a 25-episode series in anime, and now, it's distributed in North America, considering the series' success in Japan. The popularity of the show is prevalent with the debut of a two-part movie based on the manga series. The first part was released on September 30, followed by part 2, released in US theaters on October 20- only a few weeks following part 1.