A calendar perfect for any dedicated Iron Maiden fan, BrownTrout received approval for the Iron Maiden 2016 calendar. For over 40 years, Iron Maiden has been dedicated to their fans by creating music embodying a spirit of fearlessness and creative independence. Yet again, the band is on tour, making its rounds throughout the U.S. The tour has taken flight since their new album "Book of Souls" (their 16th studio album) and the reviews have been positive. Originally, the band was founded by Steve Harris in the mid 70’s, and a decade later, their fame skyrocketed through a third album called “The Number of the Beast” in 1982. The band went through a world wind of success for about a decade, with a string of seven studio albums, one live album, and seven World Tours. After a temporary breakup, in the late 90’s the band turned their music careers around, with the album “Brave New World” in 2000. This ultimately led to their first ever Grammy for Best Metal Performance for the song “El Dorado,” further proving their endurance and strength as a rock band. Their upcoming 2016 tour will include six of seven continents and 35 countries.