Rat Terriers 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Rat Terriers 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Terriers

The Rat Terrier is an American crossbreed that originated in the 19th century. These terriers were bred primarily as farming and ranching dogs that were able to help eradicate vermin, protect livestock, and chase small game animals. Inquisitive, smart, and affectionate, these dogs exude spunk and enthusiasm for play and for their loving guardians. Fans of the terrific Rat Terrier will love this square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Rat Terriers 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Terriers

Pug Puppies 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Pug Puppies 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Puppies

It makes perfect sense to Pug owners that "pug" rhymes with "hug." These sweet and affectionate dogs love to cuddle. And since Pug puppies love to pose, this square wall calendar is sure to delight. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Pug Puppies 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Puppies

Pomeranians 2020 Mini Wall Calendar

Pomeranians 2020 7 x 7 Inch Monthly Mini Wall Calendar, Animals Small Dog Breeds

Bold and curious, Pomeranians are as lovable as they are fluffy. These sprightly dogs appreciate a bit of pampering and will repay your attention with plenty of love and loyalty. The wonderful Pomeranians in this mini wall calendar are sure to delight you all year long. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Pomeranians 2020 7 x 7 Inch Monthly Mini Wall Calendar, Animals Small Dog Breeds

Pekingese 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Pekingese 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Asian Dog Breeds

This courageous little dog gets its name from the ancient Chinese city of Peking, modern-day Beijing. According to Chinese legend, the Pekingese is the offspring of a lion and a monkey! With its distinctive flat face, dark wrinkled muzzle, and profuse coat, the Pekingese is absolutely unmistakable. Independent but loving, these sensitive dogs develop very tight bonds with their owners. Pekingese fans are sure to appreciate this splendid square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Pekingese 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Asian Dog Breeds

Old English Sheepdogs 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Old English Sheepdogs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Old English Sheepdogs are large, lovable companions. Even-tempered, adaptable, and smart, they are natural herders and excellent watchdogs. They have a distinctive pot casse or "broken pot" bark. Their abundant, shaggy coats require constant care. Farmers used to shear them each year as they sheared their sheep. Those who appreciate this lovely breed are sure to enjoy this charming Old English Sheepdogs square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Old English Sheepdogs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Australian Cattle Dogs 2020 Monthly Square Wall Calendar

Australian Cattle Dogs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Alert, hardy, watchful, and possessing tremendous stamina, these dogs were bred to work cattle on vast ranches in the harsh terrain and inhospitable climate of inland Australia. Extremely intelligent, the Australian Cattle Dog requires regular exercise and activity if it isn't running, chasing, and herding out on the range. They make devoted companions and develop especially close bonds with their owners. Australian Cattle Dog fans are sure to appreciate this charming square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Australian Cattle Dogs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Miniature Dachshunds 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Miniature Dachshunds 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Small Dog Breeds

The courageous Miniature Dachshund was bred for the purpose of catching small animals underground. Tiny replicas of the Dachshund, Miniature Dachshunds can have either long or short hair. They are intelligent, curious, and loving little dogs. This fabulous square wall calendar is devoted entirely to Miniature Dachshunds. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Miniature Dachshunds 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Small Dog Breeds

Mastiffs 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Mastiffs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

The Mastiff, also known as the Old English Mastiff, is a gentle, loyal companion. This laid-back, dignified dog bonds immediately with people and enjoys attention. One of the heaviest dog breeds, a male Mastiff can weigh more than 200 pounds. To keep their giant bodies healthy, they require lots of exercise. Mastiff lovers will enjoy this beautifully photographed square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Mastiffs 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Lhasa Apsos 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Lhasa Apsos 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Originating from Tibet as palace guard dogs, Lhasa Apsos exhibit keen intelligence and acute hearing. The name Lhasa Apso means "barking lion sentinel dog." Their distinctive long, heavy double coat, which drapes over their body all the way to the floor, gives them a very stately presence. Lhasa Apsos make affectionate pets as well as a delightful subject for this square wall calendar. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Lhasa Apsos 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Lakeland Terriers 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Lakeland Terriers 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Terriers

Dating back to the 1800s, the Lakeland Terriers are one of the oldest terrier breeds. An affectionate and lively breed, the Lakeland Terrier gets along well with other dogs and family members. At a maximum of seventeen pounds, it is the smallest of the long-legged terriers. The Lakeland Terriers square wall calendar is perfect for lovers of this breed. Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Lakeland Terriers 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Terriers