Known for their diminutive size, bright iridescent colors, and hovering flight, hummingbirds live only in the Western Hemisphere. However, they can be found almost anywhere between Argentina and Alaska. Early Spanish explorers called these migratory birds joyas voladoras, or flying jewels. In order to survive, they consume as much as three times their body weight each day. That’s a lot of nectar and insects! This Hummingbirds wall calendar will help you keep up with these busy birds.
Wild and Scenic Idaho
There's more to this state than just its famous potatoes! The Salmon River rushes through an enormous area of wilderness that is home to elk, bighorn sheep, coyotes, and golden eagles. The invaluable Snake River leaves Yellowstone, heads south to irrigate vast potato fields, and then slithers back north to cut the legendary Hell’s Canyon. With rugged mountains, deep forests, beautiful lakes, and wild rivers, Idaho’s landscape is truly spectacular. Explore the wild and scenic terrain, the geological wonders, and the glorious skies of the Gem State with this Wild & Scenic Idaho wall calendar.