Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and we would like to honor and remember the man who was a great spiritual leader, activist, humanitarian, and who championed the value of every person regardless of their background. He played a pivotal role in the African American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 60's. King was born Michael King in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. His father had the young boy's name changed to Martin Luther as an homage to the German religious reformer. Although as a youth he was an independent thinker who often challenged the traditions of the Christian Church, indeed King found that the Bible contained important wisdom and decided to enter the seminary.

As an activist King was inspired by the tenets of his Christian faith, as well as the ideas of the American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau's idea of 'civil disobedience,' where one resists without violence a government which one believes is unjust, would dramatically influence King as well as another important activist, Mohandas Gandhi. Fed up with the prevailing racism, discrimination and police brutality of the American south, many African Americans turned to the non-violent resistance King taught as an alternative to violence. This took the form of sit-ins at lunch counters which refused to serve black patrons and continued with the boycott of a bus line in Montgomery after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat in 1955.

In places like Birmingham and Albany, Martin Luther King continued to organize displays of civil disobedience, resulting in mass arrests of activists, both black and white. King himself was arrested multiple times, but continued the struggle for desegregation and civil rights, receiving increasing fame and support. In 1963 during a march on Washington, D.C., King gave his immensely famous and touching "I Have a Dream" speech, which remains one of the most eloquent appeals for racial equality. Through his vehement opposition to the Vietnam War and challenging of the status quo, Martin Luther King, Jr. was not without enemies, and on April 4, 1968 he was murdered by a gunman in Memphis, Tennessee. Although his life was cut tragically short, King's inspiring words and actions live on, and he remains one of the most important and poetic voices not just for racial equality under the law, but truly for all human dignity and respect.

Austin Mahone 2014 Wall and Mini Calendars!

Austin Mahone 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

At just 17 years old, American pop singer Austin Mahone is poised for fame. Having amassed a huge online following from widely popular online videos of his performances, he made the Billboard Social 50 chart in the fall of 2011, and was the youngest to appear on the list. And with hit singles such as “Say You’re Just a Friend,” with nearly 13 million views on YouTube only two and a half months after its release, and being selected as one of the opening acts on Taylor Swift’s Red Tour, Austin is a star on the rise. Our Austin Mahone wall calendar is sure to be a hit with Mahomies!

Love Austin Mahone? Show your support and rock a wall calendar, mini calendar or poster book from our great selection, available here!

Austin Mahone 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Austin Mahone 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Check out Austin's latest video, for the song "Banga! Banga!"

Wild and Scenic Idaho

Wild and Scenic Idaho 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

There's more to this state than just its famous potatoes! The Salmon River rushes through an enormous area of wilderness that is home to elk, bighorn sheep, coyotes, and golden eagles. The invaluable Snake River leaves Yellowstone, heads south to irrigate vast potato fields, and then slithers back north to cut the legendary Hell’s Canyon. With rugged mountains, deep forests, beautiful lakes, and wild rivers, Idaho’s landscape is truly spectacular. Explore the wild and scenic terrain, the geological wonders, and the glorious skies of the Gem State with this Wild & Scenic Idaho wall calendar.

Purchase this calendar here!

Wild and Scenic Idaho 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Wild and Scenic Idaho 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Explore Your Passion in 2014!

Here at BrownTrout we like to say, "if it's a noun, chances are we have a calendar for it!" We're extremely proud of our huge selection of quality titles, and we think you will agree that we offer something for every taste. Adorable animal breeds, exotic travel destinations, extreme sports and the hottest celebrities are just a few of the categories for you to enjoy!

This variety means that whatever your interests and passions in life, you can find an attractive and inspiring calendar to liven up your office or home. And we also have a large variety of formats, so you can enjoy our beautiful photography and fine-art hanging on your wall, sitting on your desktop or in any number of convenient schedule planners.

With so many awesome titles to choose from, we feel qualified to call ourselves 'the Calendar Company,' but we are always interested in your feedback. What's your passion, and what subject do you think would make a great calendar?!

Check out our entire selection of 2014 calendars here!

Claude Monet

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

In addition to our extensive line of crystal-clear photographic calendars, we at BrownTrout are also very proud of our beautiful fine-art titles. For 2014 we present the Claude Monet square wall calendar! One of the founders and leading members of the French Impressionist movement, Monet was born in 1840 in Paris. By 1845, his family had moved to the coast at Le Havre in Normandy, where the young Monet began his path as an artist selling charcoal drawings on the streets. During this period Monet also met fellow artist Eugène Boudin on the beaches of Normandy. Boudin became his mentor and instructed him in the use of oil paints. He also taught Monet the technique of ‘plein air’ (open air) or landscape painting.

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

After a brief stint of military service in Algeria, he contracted typhoid fever and was able to leave the army and further his painting studies, meeting like-minded artists like Auguste Renoir. They were growing tired of the traditional techniques taught in the schools and soon developed their own style which emphasized the play of light on outdoor subjects and quick, passionate brush strokes. These elements would become the core of the ‘Impressionist’ style.
Monet’s earlier works were rejected both by the Salon de Paris and the Royal Academy in England during his early career, and he and his first wife and model Camille Doncieux lived in poverty. At one point creditors even confiscated some of his paintings as payment. The outbreak of war in 1870 saw them move first to England and then Holland, where Monet continued to develop his technique, often painting numerous works of the same subject to contrast varying conditions of light, smoke or mist. His 1872 work ‘Impression, soleil levant,’ (English: Impression, sunrise) a portrait of the coast at le Havre, is the origin of the term ‘Impressionist.’

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

He continued to move with his large family until finally settling at Giverny, where the exotic gardens and iconic lily ponds inspired some of his most famous and exquisite works. Originally rejected by academics, the Impressionist style has since become almost universally beloved and has influenced painters into the next century.

Purchase the 2014 Monet calendar here!

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Claude Monet 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

For December BrowntTrout would like to recognize a U.S. state that this time of year is truly transformed into a winter wonderland: Pennsylvania . Containing parts of the magnificent Appalachian mountains, rolling green hills and of course busy cities filled with culture, Pennsylvania’s stark beauty and storied past will make you reflect not only on 2013, but on a bit of American history.

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

First populated by the Delaware, Susquehannock, Iroquois and other native tribes, the area was settled by Europeans as early as the 17th century, when it was desired by both Dutch and English settlers. In 1681 the English monarch Charles II granted William Penn the land, calling it Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods). This was one of the largest land grants to an individual in history.  A devout Quaker, Penn signed a peace treaty with the Delaware chief, Tammany. One of the original thirteen colonies, Pennsylvania was host to the First and Second Continental Congresses, which met in Philadelphia in 1775.

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Modern Pennsylvania boasts dozens of worthwhile natural and cultural attractions.  From the scenic farms and communities of the Amish, you can follow the beautiful, winding rivers and streams up to hill country and mountain trails. Forests shedding their colorful autumn leaves and ponds frozen over contribute to the lovely winter landscape.  Culturally the state is also very diverse: its southern border is the Mason Dixon Line, the gateway to the south; and the city of Pittsburgh is a historical center of steel production and northern industry.

Pennsylvania also has great food!  Festivals honoring Italian and German ethnic groups abound, and the state produces more pretzel and potato chips than any other state (don’t forget Hershey’s either!).

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Wild and Scenic Pennsylvania 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

As you can see, this awesome state provides entertainment and history all year long.  And although this season is a cold one, the friendly people will warm your heart and keep you coming back!

Purchase this calendar here!

Mercado de Mexico / Market of Mexico

Mercados de Mexico / Markets of MExico

Imagínese una plaza ruidosa, llena de los gritos de los vendedores, el olor de tortillas hechas a mano, y los colores brillantes de mil frutas, juguetes y dulces. ¡Sólo puede ser un mercado mexicano tradicional! Aquí les presentamos nuestro calendario del 2014 'Mercados de México/Markets of Mexico' (inglés/español).

Frutas y Verduras frescas del campo

Frutas y Verduras frescas del campo

Antes de que llegaron los españoles, las tribus indígenas de México ya tenían mercados muy colorados y diversos. De hecho muchas cosechas que no existían en Europa, como la papa y el maíz, formaron el alimento diario de los aztecas. Como todas las culturas, los indios cambiaban comida, herramientas y ropa, y mientras que su sociedad desarrollaba, así crecía la lista de bienes disponibles en los mercados.

Los colores del mercado se cambian con cada estancia, y las frutas y verduras siempre están frescas. Cada ciudad tiene sus productos especiales, como la loza vidreada, jarritos, canastas, juguetes e instrumentos musicales. Durante las celebraciones para el Día de los Muertos, hay ofrendas, velas y dulces en forma de calavera. ¡Este calendario hermoso le trae a Ud toda la variedad que se puede ver en las calles y las plazas de México!

Una Pareja del Dia de los Muertos

Una Pareja del Dia de los Muertos

¡Compre este calendario aquí!

¡Descubra más calendarios del 2014 de BrownTrout!

Back Cover

Back Cover

La Virgen de Guadalupe

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

¡Bienvenidos al primer blog en español de BrownTrout Publishers! Para nuestra primera entrada queremos reconocer a nuestro vecino al sur, el gran país de México. Una de las tradiciones religiosas más importantes y bien conocidas en México es la devoción por la Virgen María, y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la imagen más amada.

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Según la tradición mexicana, San Juan Diego, que era de la tribu indígena de los chichimecas, vio la aparación de la Virgen en el cerro de Tepeyac (muy cerca de la Ciudad de México). Ella estaba rodeada por rosas, flores que no son nativas de México y que no sobreviven en los climas áridos. La Señora le pidió a Juan Diego que construyese una iglesia en el sitio de la aparición. Ella prometió proteger a los pobres y los desgraciados del país, y como resultado la gente mexicana la honra todavía con oraciones y ofrendas.

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Con el permiso del obispo del territorio, San Juan Diego dejó a su familia, su casa y sus bienes para dedicarse a la limpieza y el mantenimiento de la pequeña capilla, hoy transformada en una basílica elegante. La dedicación de Juan Diego para preservar la humilde iglesia es un símbolo elocuente de la devoción profunda de los mexicanos a la Virgen de Guadalupe. Nuestro título ‘La Virgen de Guadalupe’ es un calendario del 2014 todo en español, con los días festivos de México y Puerto Rico. ¡Celebre su fé con una bellísima imagen de la Sagrada Virgen cada mes!

¡Compre este calendario aquí!

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

La Virgen de Guadalupe 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar


Thailand 12" x 12" Square Wall Calender

A wondrous ancient land with both staggering natural beauty and a fast-paced urban nightlife, Thailand has something to offer for every traveler. The impressive Buddhist temple spires coexist with towering city skylines, and in both settings the friendly and welcoming people keep visitors coming back year after year.

Thailand 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Thailand 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Thailand's history is extremely ancient, and there is evidence that humans inhabited the area as long as 40,000 years ago. In more recent centuries, several kingdoms existed including the Sukothai, Khmer and Malay states. It is these people that give Thailand its legacy of Buddhism, which can be seen in the incredibly intricate temples and monuments to the Enlightened One. Another interesting cultural feature to enjoy is Muay Thai kickboxing, which has now been exported to the rest of the world. Surfers or those looking just to relax can have their choice of several pristine and scenic beaches.

Thailand 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Thailand 12" x 12" Square Wall Calendar

Perhaps the best thing about Thailand is the food. Infamous for its spicy dishes like curries and soups, Thai cuisine also makes use of distinctive and savory ingredients like peanut, coconut, Thai basil, anise and cilantro. The great thing about Thai cooking is that styles can vary significantly from region to region. In addition to geographic influence (such as coastal dwellers eating more seafood dishes), the great religious diversity of Thailand also contributes to the fascinating and very tasty array of foods available. So whether you're looking for a crowded market or a deserted beach, the mingling of old and new in Thailand keeps things spicy!

We give you the beauty of Thailand, displayed in the same great high-quality photography you've come to expect from BrownTrout!

You can purchase this calendar here.

Thailand 12" X 12" Square Wall Calendar

Thailand 12" X 12" Square Wall Calendar

Emblem 3 Official Posters and Poster Book!

Emblem 3 Official Poster Collection


Emblem 3 Official Poster Collection

Emblem 3 Official Poster Collection


Emblem 3 Official Poster Collection

Emblem 3 Official Poster Collection

BrownTrout is teaming up with Live Nation Merchandise to bring you the
Emblem 3 Official Poster Book. This poster book contains over 25 pull-out posters of Drew, Wesley and Keaton, plus it includes a bonus double-size poster! Whether they are rocking the crowd on stage or just kicking back, the guys from E3 are on fire in this awesome poster collection.

Purchase the Emblem 3 Official Poster Book here!

Emblem 3 Poster Version A

Emblem 3 Poster Version A

We are also proud to present 2 brand new full-size wall posters Since getting their big break last year on the X-Factor, the trio has gone on to release a hugely successful debut album, "Nothing to Lose." Now fresh off a tour with Selena Gomez, Emblem 3 is gearing up for an equally successful 2014. Decorate your wall and show your support with one of these beautiful posters from BrownTrout.

Emblem 3 Wall Posters available here!

Emblem 3 Poster Version B

Emblem 3 Poster Version B

You can also find all licensed Emblem 3 Posters and Poster Books at such local grocery stores as Safeway, Albertson’s and Winco Foods