Undisputed as one of the biggest movie franchises, Lionsgate has just released its final installment of the Hunger Games' series: "Mockingjay Part 2." The exciting conclusion to the epic tale of Katniss Everdeen, surrounds the nation of Panem, a divided dystopian society during a time of civil war. The heroine Katniss aims to save a dystopian society from a horrific fate, and the story has managed to grab a global audience for each film. According to Box Office Mojo, in its first weekend the film made $102 million at the U.S. Box Office and has proceeded to impress critics. According to the LA Times, the film also made $147 million after debuting throughout the globe. David Spitz, Lionsgate’s executive vice president, said that the franchise on a whole is projected to break the $2 billon mark at the global box office, while the newest film has become one of the 34 films in U.S. film history to debut at $100 million on its opening weekend.