Angels 2020 Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover

Angels 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Celestial Cherubs

Celestial beings, messengers of God, embodiments of pure virtue and grace - angels have been immortalized on countless canvases throughout the centuries. Originating from the Greek word aggelos meaning "messenger," angels are believed to protect us from harm by guarding us. Do you have a guardian angel? Make their love a part of your home with this lovely square wall calendar depicting angels from classical artworks. Its cover features a special foil stamp treatment.

Angels 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Celestial Cherubs

Amazing Grace 2020 Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover

Amazing Grace 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Religious Prayer Inspiration

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me... Hymns can touch the soul deeply and profoundly, offering comfort when needed and always praising the Lord through song. Inspired by favorite hymns, this square wall calendar features beautiful nature photography complemented with stanzas of beloved hymns to bring blessings to your year.

Amazing Grace 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Religious Prayer Inspiration

La Virgen de Guadalupe 2020 Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover

La Virgen de Guadalupe 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Virgin of Guadalupe Mexico City

Every December 12 people throughout Mexico honor La Virgen de Guadalupe, but now it's possible to honor her venerated image every day of the year. This calendar features various depictions of the profoundly loved Virgin of Guadalupe. This Spanish-language square wall calendar features month names, day names, and holidays in Spanish and English. It also includes holidays observed in Mexico and Puerto Rico.

La Virgen de Guadalupe 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Virgin of Guadalupe Mexico City

Imagine 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Imagine 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Cynthia Louden Motivation Inspiration

Imagine harnesses the essence of meditative tranquility and peace of mind with a concrete visual, offering a full year of soothing images and enlightening words. Artist Cynthia Louden combines multiple elements to create a beautiful image meant to instill a sense of peace and calm every day. Enjoy the perfect combination of aesthetics and philosophy in one stunning calendar.

Imagine 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Cynthia Louden Motivation Inspiration