Chickens 2021 Square Wall Calendar

Chickens 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Farm Animals

Chickens are said to be the closest living relative of the T-Rex, and that's just one of many reasons to find them fascinating. They're beautiful to look at, with their colorful feathers and bright combs—and they're smart! Baby chicks communicate with their mothers while still in their eggs, and once grown, chickens can recognize faces and teach each other how to survive and behave. They're fun to watch, as they love to run, jump, and play. Enjoy a year's worth of lovely photographs of these charming, intelligent birds in this Chickens square wall calendar.

Chickens 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Farm Animals

Ferrets 2020 Monthly Square Wall Calendar

Ferrets 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Furry Animals

Possibly dating back as far as 1600 B.C.E., ferrets have been long regarded for their usefulness, beauty, and charm. The Old World ferret is probably a domesticated breed of polecat, and used since Roman times for hunting mice, rabbits, and rats. The square wall calendar features these determined and inquisitive companions-so entertaining and intelligent, they capture your heart with their charm.

Ferrets 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Furry Animals

Roosters 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Roosters 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Farm Barn Animals

Cock-a-doodle-do! We know the rooster from its early morning wake up calls on the farm - its voice crowing loud and clear on a much-too-early morning. (It should be known that roosters crow at any time of day.) A rooster is a male chicken, and like most male birds they have colorful plumage for attracting a mate. Their distinctive feathers and unique red comb and wattle make them an intriguing-looking bird. Enjoy a collection of funky and cool roosters in this square wall calendar.

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Roosters 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Farm Barn Animals

Lop Eared Rabbits 2020 Square Wall Calendar

Lop Eared Rabbits 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Small Pets Animals

The English lop-eared rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of domestic rabbits. They vary in size, color, and ear length, but they are always cute, soft, and furry. Although they are quiet animals, lop-eared rabbits manage to convey a world of emotion with their gentle eyes and pleasant demeanor. The darling creatures in this Lop-Eared Rabbits square wall calendar are quite a delight.

Lop Eared Rabbits 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Domestic Small Pets Animals