Alaskan Malamutes 2021 Monthly Square Wall Calendar

Alaskan Malamutes 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Alaskan Malamutes are named after the Mahlemut tribe of the Inuit people. Powerful and athletic, they are one of the oldest breeds of sled dogs. Because of their friendly nature and double coats, they are sometimes called the "teddy bears" of canines. This square wall calendar is a loving tribute to the gorgeous Alaskan Malamute.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Alaskan Malamutes 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Golden Retrievers 2021 Square Wall Calendar by StarGifts

Golden Retrievers 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover by StarGifts, Animals Dog Breeds Retriever

These beautiful dogs are loyal, devoted, and gentle companions. Due to their sweet disposition, Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs for children. They need and love exercise, especially a cool dip in a pond or creek. Featuring excellent photos of adult Goldens and Golden puppies, this beautiful square wall calendar will delight the many fans of these friendly dogs.

Golden Retrievers 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover by StarGifts, Animals Dog Breeds Retriever

Australian Shepherds 2021 Square Wall Calendar – Boxing Day

Australian Shepherds 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Dog Breeds

The Australian Shepherd most likely originated in the Basque country between Spain and France. When Basque sheep farmers who had lived in Australia came to the United States in the 1800s, their intelligent, alert, and hardworking dogs became known as Australian Shepherds. These strong, agile dogs possess a beautiful variety of coat colors. This Australian Shepherds square wall calendar offers a terrific sampling of this energetic breed.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Australian Shepherds 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Dog Breeds

Chihuahuas 2021 Square Wall Calendar – Las Posadas

Chihuahuas 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Small Dog Breeds Puppies

Chihuahuas are small, sprightly, loyal, and lively. They get their name from the desert state of northern Mexico. Legend says that they were sacred to the pre-Columbian people. Considering they average under five pounds, it is no wonder that they have a special attachment to the warm sun of Mexico. Chihuahuas are most comfortable in their owners' arms, but they look rather cheerful alone and amongst themselves in this square wall calendar.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Chihuahuas 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Small Dog Breeds Puppies

Keeshonden 2021 Monthly Square Wall Calendar

Keeshonden 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

By nature, the Keeshonden is a happy, friendly dog that is extremely affectionate. This very furry and extraordinarily huggable animal is the national dog of Holland. It is an intelligent, alert, and loyal companion. Those keen on Keeshonden are sure to love this splendid square wall calendar.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Keeshonden 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

West Highland White Terriers 2021 Square Wall Calendar

West Highland White Terriers 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Dog Breeds Terrier Puppies

Like many other terriers, the West Highland White Terrier originates from Scotland. Westies have a happy disposition that endears them to everyone they meet. Westies are very affectionate and are known for their spirited nature. Vivacious and intelligent, they make faithful companions and entertaining playmates. With 13 full-color images of wonderful Westies, this square wall calendar is a must for Westie lovers.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

West Highland White Terriers 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Dog Breeds Terrier Puppies

Weimaraners 2021 Square Wall Calendar

Weimaraners 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Big, bold, and fearless, the Weimaraner needs plenty of exercise and space. This elegant gray-coated dog is highly intelligent and thrives with an active lifestyle. Originating in Germany, the Weimaraner is a devoted watchdog. With webbed feet and a keen sense of smell, they also make great hunting companions. "The gray ghost" appears in a fine collection of photos in this Weimaraners square wall calendar.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Weimaraners 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Staffie Puppies 2021 Square Wall Calendar

Staffie Puppies 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Staffordshire

Originally a cross between various terriers and bulldogs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers are muscular dogs with great strength and intelligence. Bright, trusting, and affectionate, they are especially fond of children. These puppies enjoy lots of outdoor activity, and they make excellent family guardians. This square wall calendar features thirteen delightful full-color photographs of Staff Bull Terrier Puppies.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Staffie Puppies 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds Staffordshire

Shih Tzu 2021 Square Wall Calendar

Shih Tzu 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Small Dog Breeds

A cheerful and friendly dog, the Shih Tzu is a wonderful companion. Once a prized pet among Chinese nobles, it is sometimes called the "chrysanthemum-faced dog" because the hair on its face fans out in different directions. With their beautiful, thick coats, these dogs require lots of grooming. Those fond of Shih Tzu will fancy this fabulous square wall calendar.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Shih Tzu 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar with Foil Stamped Cover, Animals Small Dog Breeds

Rhodesian Ridgebacks 2021 Square Wall Calendar

Rhodesian Ridgebacks 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds

Originally bred in South Africa, the beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback is a brave hunter that is also known as the African Lion Hound. Strong and muscular dogs, they have a distinct, forward-growing ridge of hair on their backs. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are calm, quiet, dignified, and form lasting bonds with their owners. Those who appreciate this fine breed will enjoy this wonderful Rhodesian Ridgebacks square wall calendar.

Includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world's most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animals Dog Breeds