BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, is a seven-member South Korean boy band formed in Seoul in 2013. Originally a hip-hop group, their musical style has evolved to include a wide range of genres. They became world-wide popular and the band is celebrated by a loyal international fan base known as the BTS Army.
BTS’s US prominence has expanded rapidly over the last two years, when the band began to smash one success metric after another, from spending multiple weeks on US charts to making a landmark appearance at the American Music Awards.
Their popularity in the US shows no sign of stopping. BrownTrout Publishers will produce OFFICIALLY licensed 2020 and 2021 photographic wall calendars and posters featuring photos of BTS seven members.
Check them out on the links below:
BTS OFFICIAL 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, K-Pop Bangtan Boys Music
BTS OFFICIAL 2020 7 x 7 Inch Monthly Mini Wall Calendar, K-Pop Bangtan Boys Music