“Amy”, a new documentary, directed by Asif Kapadia, recently debuted in theaters. It reveals the tragic and inspiring story of the young British musician and songwriter Amy Winehouse. The famous contralto singer was known for her career-changing single “Rehab," along with top charting hits “Back To Black” and “You Know I’m No Good."
Not only does the film reveal the tragedy of her career as a gone-too-soon singer, but also depicts how the singer handled personal struggles, such as depression, bulimia, substance abuse, and ultimately leading to her untimely death at only 27 years old.
The movie is produced by Universal Music U.K., and has been well received by critics. The film delves into a different Amy Winehouse outside of the public eye, before the chaos of fame and media came tumbling down on her.
Entertainment Weekly’s article interviewed Asif Kapadia about the film and he explained: “Generally, people had a negative opinion of Amy Winehouse. She was a joke. Now people see the film and they’re changing their tune.”
When the film debuted on July 3, it received positive reviews from critics, in part due to its well-crafted use of footage from Winehouse’s family and friends’ videos, as well as videos from personal cell phones.
According to an article in Variety, Tony Bennett once insisted that Amy Winehouse’s memory should be preserved in the company of Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday. The film continues to be successful and resonates with audiences, further proving Amy Winehouse’s relevancy today; even four years after her death. Following its limited release, the film can be seen worldwide.
BrownTrout is the official publisher of the Amy Winehouse 2016 calendar.